Friday, November 9, 2007

Updates and GREAT News!

We apologize for not posting recently, but there hasn't been much to report until recently ~ which is why we're posting now!

This past summer the kids did a room swap. Sage and Isaiah moved downstairs into Jayde's room and Jayde moved into the office, which means our office is in the family room now. Jiang Ting's room will be in Sage and Isaiah's old room. In September we finally ordered the boys' passports because we decided that we wanted them to come with ~ this was a HUGE decision for us.

On October 30th we received our Pre-Approval from China! Very exciting, but we're waiting for our Referral Acceptance because that means that we have been approved by China to adopt her. We didn't have wait long because our Referral Acceptance came in just this week on November 5th!!!!!!! Jiang Ting is ours!!! Now we wait for our Travel Approval and that can take 2 to 6 weeks. Once we get our TA, we get ready to leave. We can expect to leave in 2 to 4 weeks after our TA. So now we hurry up and finish her bedroom, get her furniture and bedding, fill out more paperwork, get fingerprinted (again), and order our Visa's. The time will pass quickly since we have so much to do.

Now we can post her pictures on our blog, write her letters, send gifts (we're told they must be small), and send pictures. We are so excited and can't believe the day is coming near that we can bring her home.

We will try to post more often!

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