Monday, December 31, 2007
Home Sweet Home!
I can't explain in words just how wonderful it is to be home. I wonder when the tired foggy feeling will subside? Katherine seems to like her new home and loves her new bedroom, however, she is terrified of our three dogs. It will take time, I'm sure she will one day love them.
Thank you so much for following our incredible journey to the other side of the world to bring home our daughter. You all have a very special place in our hearts. As we begin a new year, I can't help but be in awe at the wonderful miraculous things that have happened in our lives. We are so blessed and we give all the glory to our loving Heavenly Father. Bless you and your family in the new year ahead - may you find peace, joy, love, and happiness in your journey.
Friday, December 28, 2007
The Road Home
It's just after midnight here and in 8 hours we leave the hotel and get started on our marathon of airplane rides. Four airports, three airplanes and one big trip back over the north pole. It's kinda sad to think that even if we watched all three Lord of the Rings movies, we'd only be about half way done with the trip. I guess it's like we've told our kids; the long plane ride sure beats traveling by boat.
For anyone interested, you can watch our flight progress at we're on Continental, which is code CO and we have two flight numbers. From Beijing to Newark it's flight number 88 and then from Newark to Minneapolis it's flight 370.
So, we're signing out from Guangzhou and will resume after we're back home. Oh, by the way, whoever ordered all the snow and cold in didn't have to do that for us :-)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
A Short Update
Yesterday, we had a nice relaxing day and then had a river boat cruise at night. It was breathtaking on the Pearl River. The weather was mild and we had a wonderful breeze. We had dinner on the cruise, more Chinese of course. Some scary stuff too. Mike and Katherine were fine with the selections but the rest of us are missing our western cuisines!
Most of the families, except two us, are leaving for home tomorrow. This morning we had some group photos taken of all of us, since this will be the last day that we'll all be together. They all fly out very early in the morning and we leave on Saturday. I didn't think I would care, but I'm feeling jealous that they'll be home on Friday night. I miss home and everyone so much!
Today we had our Consulate appointment. We didn't actually have to go. Our guides went for us and then tomorrow we go there to finish up. It's the day that we get Katherine's Visa too. This is the reason that we have to stay so long. The first week was waiting for her Passport and this week was waiting for her Visa. So after tomorrow we are home free. Our fingerprints cleared at home too, so it's nice to know that we can go home in a couple of days. I can't wait to show Kat her new home and very own bedroom. She has been sharing a room with Mike and I. We are so glad that we booked two rooms at each hotel. We would have went stir crazy for sure.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Monday, December 24, 2007
It's Christmas Eve!
After that we went to Shamian Island for some shopping. We have quite the bargainer in our family now. Every time we were in a store she would take the calculator (which every shop owner has to show the price and negotiated price) and ask how much. When they would tell her she would either say yes or no or punch in a new price on the calculator to see if they would take it. She always told us when we paid too much. Sometimes she gets a little bossy and we have to remind her who the parents are. Yes, she's definitely getting comfortable with us!
Thank you Carolynn for the great tips! We did get some chops ordered (chinese stamps with our names engraved in American and Chinese) and went and ate at the Bridge and Cow Restaurant. They serve delicious Thai food there. The weirdest thing that happened to us today is I was asked if I was Chinese by one of the shop owners. She said "you have Chinese hair and eyes, are you American"? She also thought I was much younger that Mike. She said "oh, you have a much younger wife" then she turned and looked at me and said "how old are you?" you should have seen her face when I told her I was older than Mike! I loved every minute of it of course. Then another lady came around the corner and said the same thing - "you have Chinese hair!" Meanwhile Jayde was shopping for a ring for himself and the shop owner there thought he was buying it for his girlfriend - they thought I was his girlfriend! He told me he can't even take me to China without people thinking I'm his girlfriend. Poor kid! But everyone commented on our large family and how very tall Jayde is. He has them all amazed.
Tomorrow we are touring a Chinese Tea House for Christmas after that more shopping on Shamian Island.
I would post pictures, but Mike is the one that does that and right now he's snoozing, so we will post them tomorrow.
We hope you enjoy our video we made just for you! Wishing every one a very Safe and Happy Christmas Eve!
Holiday Cheer in China
Sunday, December 23, 2007
A Sad Goodbye and New Adventures
Ting's first trip on an airplane
Today we went to a Folklore Museum that was created for the Chen Family. They were the largest family in China and the beautiful place was made just for them. It seems weird that something that was so private is now a tourist attraction. We bought a beautiful print that a man made with the side of his pinky finger using black ink. It was amazing. Then we went shopping for more snacks. Jiang Ting is getting more used to us and is not so shy about asking for us to buy her things. We have no problem telling her no to a pair of shoes that are 500 yuan (about $70 US dollars). So it begins!
When we were leaving the museum we were approached by a young man who said "excuse me, she would like to take a picture with you." He was talking about a teenage girl. I thought she wanted a picture with the American family, but she was only looking at Jayde. Jayde said, "me?" And the young man and the girl said "yes". I thought it was so cute. So the young man took the picture of her and Jayde with her camera and I quick shot one too! Then when Jayde was done another girl came up but thought she missed her chance and was upset, but when I told her it was okay for her to get one too she was so excited. So I snuck a picture of that too! The girls looked at Jayde with big puppy dog eyes and said "thank you" with very big smiles on their faces. You would think Jayde was a huge celebrity there! I think it made him feel pretty good too.
Jayde's fans in China
Friday, December 21, 2007
And We're Off Again!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
a bi-lingual computer
Good morning. We've had to make our computer type Chinese characters so JiangTing can type and send messages to her freinds. It's still amazing how much she knows.
A slower day
After the visit to the Ming tombs, we went to see fresh water pearls being cultivated. Did you know that oysters can produce over twenty pearls at a time?
After these trips we went back to the hotel to let TingTing sleep. More adventures tomorrow!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
This Is It! She's Ours!
Group picture with the nannies
Jiang Ting's orphanage teacher
Jiang Ting's class mates at the deaf school
Jiang Ting and her teachers, with the school principal on the far right
School kids come to meet Jiang Ting's new family and to say good-bye
We have decided to name our little girl Katherine Ting Gelhar. It's now on all her official documents. She is so quick to understand and so very unique. She is such a beautiful girl with one brown eye (like mine) and one blue eye (like Mike's). She has already taught us so much and here I thought we would be teaching her!
Today (December 19th) our Guide, John, and our driver took us to see some sights in Nanjing. First we went to a museum that made beautiful handmade weavings of silk. This brocade style weaving is a very ancient style of weaving and can not be duplicated in quality by modern machines. The weavers shown below will work 8 to 10 hours a day to produce about 6 centimeters of designed fabric at a time. Nanjing is home to this style of weaving which is still world famous to this day. Since Jiang Ting is from the Nanjing province, we bought a small wall hanging with the symbol of Nanjing done in this very special fashion.
Brocade two person weaving loom
Finished brocade weaving with flower design
After that we headed to the Nanjing City Wall. The wall is 600 years old and is the longest city wall in the world. That was very beautiful. We saw a Buddhist temple that was quite beautiful too. And of course spent more money there. [comment from Mike...the Nanjing City Wall has a section that is run down and is under renovation to be rebuilt. A master artist has partnered with this project to help raise money by selling his artwork.] We bought a ball that was made of crystal that an artist hand painted from the inside. They drill a hole and make a small circle inside and then use a special brush made of mouse whiskers to paint from the inside out. The Master was there today painting. We purchased a ball and he signed our last name in it. It will be a wonderful keepsake. [comment from Mike...OK, so we bought a crystal ball...but that doesn't mean we will be doing any fortune telling!] Although, they kept trying to get us to upgrade the ball to a bigger one and when we said no they tried to get us to buy two little ones for a "special price" because they were student crystal balls. Again and again we had to say no. I'm glad we made the purchase though. Our Guide is very good at helping us to spend our money!
Our family at the Nanjing City Wall
Pretty Jiang Ting at the Nanjing City Wall
Crystal spheres, hand painted from the inside
The master artist enscribing our family name, Gelhar, on our crystal
Jiang Ting has been wanting to chat to her friends on the computer in our hotel room but we have been unsuccessful at getting the Chinese to interpret for her. We told her that today we would go looking for software to install on our computers at home so she can talk. She knew that we were going today and she was so excited. When we got to the computer store Mike had his tongue hanging out. It was the biggest computer store we have ever seen. They had everything. So much it made me dizzy. I know Mike wants to go back so he can browse. It would take hours, maybe even days to do so. I'm getting used to the stares from the Chinese people. First they look at Jiang Ting and then they look at all of us. At the store today two ladies were asking about our family to our guide. They said "she's a Chinese person" pointing at Ting. There were others that would just give us a thumbs up and say that we had a very nice looking family. So many of the people in China are so nice. The roads are another story all together. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to the madness and the pedestrians do not have the right of way here. It's more like get out of the way! Even their walk sign for crossing has a little guy running when it gets close to the light changing. It's pretty hilarious - but very serious. We had to cross the street today to get to the computer store. That was probably the most thrill seeking thing I have ever done. I kept a nervous look out to make sure all the kids were close and we hurried when we should and stopped and got out of the way when we should. There is also bikes and motor scooters you need to look out for. I told John, "I could never drive in China" and he just replied "oh no, you could NEVER drive in China" - enough said!
After the computer store we made it to Pizza Hut (finally some American food!) to have pizza delivered to our hotel and finally got our coffee from Starbucks - a little piece of heaven in China for Mike and I. Mike bought the kids some hot chocolate and it was Jiang Ting's first time trying it. She sucked that down so fast I couldn't believe it. One thing, she is used to very hot temps. for her liquids. She boils water in our hotel room and drinks it right away. I have to try and encourage her to wait a little bit. But if it cools down too much she won't touch it.
Jiang Ting experiencing Starbucks for the first time (a little hot chocolate)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Some Catching Up...
We arrived in Beijing at 3 pm - 1:30 am for our bodies on Saturday. We hadn't slept much and were all so tired that when we got to our hotel we slept from 5 pm until about 2 am. Then it was hard to try to get back to sleep. The next day started at 7 am with a HUGE breakfast buffet in the hotel. They served both Western and Chinese food - the boys were so glad for the choice! Then we went to a church service - how awesome to praise our God in China! After that we went to lunch and then to the Great Wall. We were so thrilled that we had a chance to go there! We were told that we were only get to see the Summer Palace, but plans changed and the Wall was on the schedule - another blessing for sure! It was spectacular but oh my! It was SO hard to get up those stairs. After that it was dinner and then a Chinese acrobat show. I knew we needed sleep because the next day was GOTCHA DAY for us! Sleep didn't come easily, I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I just really wanted Jiang Ting to like us! We had to be on the bus at 5:30 am to get on a plane to fly out to Nanjing. Because of the early check out time they had us check our bags the night before. That left us with very bare minimums for the next morning. We were told that we wouldn't be meeting our child until the afternoon, so I thought we would have time to nap and shower before meeting her. Once we got to Nanjing we met our Guide, John, and he took us to his vehicle where a driver was waiting for us. We were talking with him and I asked "when will we be meeting Jiang Ting?". He said "oh, we are on the way to meet her right now!". I couldn't believe it! I wanted to freshen up and get my wits about me, but no, we had no time to prepare. Talk about nerve racking! Once there we waited for what seemed was an eternity (which was only about 15 to 20 minutes) for her to come. I saw her beautiful face coming up to the door. Time had just stood still! What a miracle that was taking place right before my very eyes. It was an incredible experience that words could never do justice for. She came in and said "Mama and Baba" right away and came up to me. She accepted us right away. I noticed that she kept just staring at me and whenever I would look at her she would just give me the biggest smile. She is the most happy and content child I have ever met. And wow, talk about smart! She has all of whipped in that department. She is very good at helping us understand what she is trying to say. Frustration does happen but she keeps trying until we know what she wants. After meeting her our Guide took us shopping for snacks and some clothes for her. Then we went to our hotel where we spent some good quality time getting to know each other. Then we had our first dinner as a family that night. I found out very quickly that our little girl is so very independent and not shy in the least! We need to constantly watch her to make sure she doesn't decide to just take off without letting us know. Of course, we need to chase her because she can't hear our yells. And that's another thing - she is very fast!
Our first day together went very well. I have so much to write - and I have not told all the miraculous things that have happened so far. But right now I need sleep and then I will post again tomorrow and try to catch up on what we did today and what we'll do tomorrow. I do know that we will be going sight seeing and we have requested that our Guide take us to Starbucks! He just hung his head and laughed. I have no shame - I miss my Gingerbread Lattes!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Big Day!!
Pictures From Beijing
Monday, December 10, 2007
Our Trip At-A-Glance!
* Friday, Dec. 14: Depart for Beijing
* Saturday, Dec. 15: Arrive in Beijing
* Sunday, Dec. 16: Beijing Sightseeing: Church service &
Summer Palace (Lunch & Duck Dinner)
Evening Flight to Nanjing
* Monday, Dec. 17: Afternoon - Meet Jiang Ting!!
* Tuesday, Dec. 18: Civil Affairs Appointment (It's official - she's ours!)
* Dec. 19- Dec. 21: Paperwork, Sight-seeing, & Shopping
* Saturday, Dec. 22: Afternoon flight to Guangzhou
* Sunday, Dec. 23: Fill out Consulate Forms & Medical Exam
* Monday, Dec. 24: Shopping and Sightseeing
* Tuesday, Dec. 25: Christmas Day
* Wednesday, Dec. 26: Sightseeing and Shopping
* Thursday, Dec. 27: Consulate Appointment 11:30 am
* Friday, Dec. 28: Pick up Jiang Ting's Visa
* Saturday, Dec. 29: Depart from Guangzhou then Depart from Beijing
and come home!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Concrete Travel Dates!
Our answer to much prayer: Last Monday we received a call that we had our Travel Approval. We could choose to leave on December 6th or December 13th. The 13th sounded good to us but one thing was missing...our updated fingerprints with the USCIS. They expire on December 12th and we had an appointment to get them redone on December 13th. Well we couldn't get a Consulate appointment until our fingerprints were redone. So flying to China on the 13th wasn't going to happen unless the USCIS expedited our appointment.
Our adoption agency told us to contact the USCIS to see if we could get them moved to an earlier date. Shelly emailed them on Monday (Nov. 26th) - no reply, gave them time to answer on Tuesday - no reply, emailed again on Wednesday - no reply, so Shelly called them. After a half hour of finding the right person to speak with she was told that the ONLY way to contact them is by email and they get back right away. Shelly said she has done that and the lady just said "you'll need to wait to hear back, there is nothing I can do for you". So on Thursday Shelly emailed them two times - still no reply. By Friday, November 30th Shelly sent her 5th email and Mike contacted Senator Norm Coleman's office to help us out. We did hear back from the USCIS on Friday and we were told "there's no appointments available and so you will have to keep the appointment on the 13th". Meanwhile, Mike had contact with Norm Coleman's office and they were willing to help. Our Social Worker got wind and called us asking us to give her a chance at speaking with the person from the USCIS because she has worked with her many times. What we didn't know is in MN the USCIS doesn't want families to contact them, only social workers. That's why she ignored all of Shelly's pleas. We didn't know so we didn't tell our Social Worker what was going on. anyway...Stacie, our SW took over and contacted the USCIS for us. Meanwhile, our adoption agency was thinking of putting us on a plane the day after on the 14th and joining our travel group a day late. We were thrilled that this could even happen! So on Monday, December 3rd (yesterday) everything pulled together. We have our re-fingerprinting on the 13th and then we fly out on the 14th. We just need to pray that they will clear here in the US so we can finalize Jiang Ting's adoption on December 27th. Then we all fly back home on December 29th!
We thank God and all the people that were praying us through this!