Monday, December 24, 2007

Holiday Cheer in China

So you'd think that you could escape the power of the Christmas songs that always get stuck in your head by traveling to China, right? Well, as it turns out no. American Christmas songs are everywhere in China. The lobby in the hotel, the music in the stores, even the music in the streets; there is no safe haven. The funny thing is that all the Christmas songs are in English. (Including the song with the kid singing to Santa in a bad fake Mexican accent talking about mommacita and a reindeer named poncho) So how fair is that?!? So here I am in China and we still get Frosty the Snowman in our heads. I kinda feel bad for any Chinese people that don't know English. They have a song in their head and they don't even know the words. Maybe we have it easier, at least we know what tune is in our heads. So in honor of the Christmas tune, here is a video we made for you.

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