Friday, December 28, 2007

The Road Home

Today was our last full day here in Guangzhou, China. The big event of the day is our trip to the American Consolate here in Guangzhou. We had our swearing in and received Katherine's (JiangTing) visa to let her enter the US. She'll have the privelidge of becoming an US citizen as soon as she is admited into the US at the airport.

It's just after midnight here and in 8 hours we leave the hotel and get started on our marathon of airplane rides. Four airports, three airplanes and one big trip back over the north pole. It's kinda sad to think that even if we watched all three Lord of the Rings movies, we'd only be about half way done with the trip. I guess it's like we've told our kids; the long plane ride sure beats traveling by boat.

For anyone interested, you can watch our flight progress at we're on Continental, which is code CO and we have two flight numbers. From Beijing to Newark it's flight number 88 and then from Newark to Minneapolis it's flight 370.

So, we're signing out from Guangzhou and will resume after we're back home. Oh, by the way, whoever ordered all the snow and cold in didn't have to do that for us :-)

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